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Tessa Ambros - Diary
Thursday, 4 September 2003

How many damn nights am I (and Mark too, of course) going to spend waiting to see if Criseyde Keats shows up? I've got to go back to class on the 25th...I bet she shows up right when I have started class, just to throw me off my stride for the entire quarter. Especially because, of the 4 courses I'm currently scheduled for, there's only one that I don't need to change times on/drop/exchange for another course that's theoretically full but I can hopefully beg my way into. If, that is, I don't have to do it with the entire surface of my skin stained blue. (I still swear I have no recollection of how that happened. And aside from weird hints about Pictish rites, which I'm pretty sure she's kidding about, Criseyde won't tell me) It's hard to seem really sincere and hardworking to a professor when you look like a deflated version of that girl who chews gum all the time in "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory."

Unrelated side note: how incredibly foul is it that they're talking about remaking that movie? For the love of whatever god, why? Why? It's even worse than that whole rumor about a remake of Casablanca...because you know there's just no chance anybody's going to approve of that. But people don't always take "children's" movies as seriously, so I can maybe see some critics liking the new version. Despite it being wrong, wrong, wrong. I mean, some of them liked Jim Carrey as the Grinch, so I'm not trusting in the critical sense of critics to steer them towards anything but the most accepted truths. But honestly, considering how many people it takes to approve a movie, and then to make on earth do you find that many people who think these are good ideas?


Oh, yeah. Criseyde. Well, hell. I have until the 25th. I think I'll call Lillie DeMorgan tomorrow and see if I can't wrangle an invitation. I'd love a drive up the coast, if I can get Ivy to lend me the money for gas. And maybe I'll leave a note for Crisey, telling her where I've gone...

Um. Then again, maybe I won't.

Posted by tessaambros at 4:34 AM PDT
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