This is very exciting. I've been thinking about this website for so long that making this first entry feels like a Bold New Step. Into what..? I don't know. A time, or space, or place, or state of being, where Tessa actually does the things she intends to do.
Of course, already, looking at the previous paragraph, I can tell that in a few months I'll be thinking, "What pointless silly blather! Why didn't I wait till I had something real to write?" A sense of what I'm doing when I write is always escaping from me. And then I find it again and have to sew it painfully back onto my feet, like Peter Pan's shadow.
But I'm not going to let that bother me right now. At least, not much. Avaunt, shade of my future self! ( that how you spell "avaunt"? It doesn't seem to be in my paperback dictionary, and of course spellcheck doesn't like it. "Spellcheck" itself is a fun would do interesting things to many lesser stories of an H.P. Lovecraft vein to have a calm, cool voice speaking out up out of nowhere, mid-ritual, to say, "The dark sands of Nq'tchal appear to be in an improper configuration for the last incantation. Do you want to (a)correct incantation, (b)cancel ritual, or (c)ignore and allow ingress to the Devourer of Souls?" Hm. Where was I?)
Anyway, I've got some rum and ginger ale, and Mark's just answering the door for the Chinese food, and for dessert there are these little doughnut-shaped peaches I've developed an addiction to. (Mark will inevitably cut his up and dump about half a pint of heavy cream all over the slices, but I'll probably forgive him as long as he doesn't try it with mine) School is still weeks away, and I have nothing to do tomorrow but read Saki, work on my evocation, and write. So why should I need something momentous to say in my own diary?