I'm writing this from one of the computers in Lillie's office. We're here late today because we took a break and went down to Avila Beach, all four of us, and had hot dogs and cherry cokes. Lillie waded into the water with me. (The beach has been having a lot of work done on it in the last couple years...something to do with pollution and the way things were built along the shore. But it's cleared up enough to splash around in places. Lillie wore rubber flip-flops which she had to buy in a little beach-front shop. They were only five dollars, and since after all she really did need them (In case she stepped on something, I mean...Normally of course, her feet are covered, and she doesn't have to pay attention to anything they touch, but if she cut herself on beach glass or a rock or shell or anything, she wouldn't be able to help herself) I loaned her the money.
She was wearing a little straw hat with a white ribbon, and because it was breezy she had to hold it on with one hand. Which she did very gracefully till Mark offered to take our picture, and as we were posing she put her hand down. Jasper...who can't swim at all, and was sitting making a complicated kind of sand-labyrinth well away from the water...got up and went charging in after it, but the tide took it. He was quite upset, and offered to bring it back by, well, doing whatever he does magically as a Cordite(I can't say I understand it myself). Lillie demurred, and told him he shouldn't even think of messing around with the ocean. Especially not for the sake of a hat.
I was suddenly very glad that I hadn't left that note for Criseyde Keats. You never can tell with a lamia: she might have taken it into her head to come up and visit, and God only knows what what would've happened. The stupid House was so annoyed at us bringing Jasper back with sea water and sand to his waist that it's been sulking for the rest of the afternoon. Lillie dropped off at the gates at four so we could get changed, and I was supposed to meet her back at the offices at four. (It's about a five minute walk from the grounds of Haven House to the Collection buildings) But the House wouldn't let me out. I wandered for three hours, through halls and parlours and kitchens and conservatories and libraries and one room filled entirely with thousands of jars of jam. I stopped periodically to bang on the walls and shout, but of course the sound wasn't allowed to reach Jasper or Mark, who were off somewhere playing cards. Just about the time my legs were about to drop off, Lillie came to find out why I hadn't showed up yet and bullied the House into letting me out. Both her gloves were off when I came through, and she had her palms placed flat against the shuddering stone wall.
She was very much annoyed, and she said afterwards, as we were walking down Jacaranda Street in the deepening blue of the evening, that she'd told the House it was just as much her fault that Jasper had gotten wet, and anyway seawater wasn't going to kill him and she knew better than the House did, so there. But she's a little worried that It doesn't seem to approve of me. "You haven't mentioned that lamia within its hearing, have you?" worriedly.
"No, of course not," I said, and she seemed mollified, till I asked a moment later, "What would happen if Jasper met Criseyde? Or, like, any of the Cordi met any lamia?"
"I don't know," Lillie said, in a tone usually reserved for such phrases as "just put the gun down very slowly now" or "what do you mean, the landing gear is broken?"
So I thought I'd better shut up. I can't help wondering, though, and knowing Criseyde Keats and the chaotic temperment, I wonder if she's ever wondered. I'd better be sure never to suggest it to her.